Well, Joni is starting her life in the spotlight. She looked a little yellow on Sunday morning when we got up, so Monday I called the doctor and got her in to have her bilirubin level checked and it was high enough that they felt it would be most beneficial to have her put in the hospital to be put under bili lights in addition to a bili blanket. She was admitted around 1:00 p.m. and got to wear the cute little sunglasses, strip down to a diaper and lay around! The Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello is very nice hospital. The nurses and doctor are also super nice! The doctor said he wasn't sure if the first reading, at 25, was very accurate because in the hour it took us to get into Pocatello and when they took the test again it was significantly lowered to a 19. By Tuesday morning it was down to a 16. The doctor released her about noon and we headed home! She still looks a little yellow and has a bili blanket at home, but Thursday we retest and find out if we can ditch that too! While we were in there, the first nurse said that her first husband was a mission companion to Russ Rollins and the second nurse grew up in Big Piney, WY and knew some of the same people we know! Small, small world!! Justin and the boys came over on Monday night and visited. I would like to think it was because they missed their mom, but I am pretty sure it was because they wanted to make sure their little sister was doing o.k.!
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