Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We were planning on going with our friends to the Roy Aquatic Center on Friday and then Logan decided he needed to have a case of strep throat after such a fun day at Laila's. So only Carson got to go with them. Monte was SUPER sad because he didn't get to. We decided to check out the Logan Aquatic Center on Saturday and since Logan was still feeling under the weather, we loaded up Carson, Monte, Joni and Ceci and went for the afternoon. I was fortunate enough to get at least this shot. I found out that it is a little bit challenging keeping track of Monte and a camera and a baby in the water, so we didn't get any fun pictures of Carson going off the diving board or anyone going down the waterslide. We all went down the twisty slide - even JONI! She got to go down with me. Monte went by himself and the lifeguard caught him at the bottom. It was hot that day, but we did have a lot of fun. We had to do something fun before Carson got his tonsils out!

Pioneer Day Celebration

I have decided it isn't that much fun trying to play catch up on the blog! :( Too much to post and then I forget half. I also find myself being very overwhelmed and just deciding it doesn't need to be posted anyway! We went to Rigby on the 23rd to celebrate with Laila and her family. We went to the Jefferson County Lake and then to a Rigby Stake party. They had sack lunches, fish catching, pony wagon rides, dancing, horse rides and the featured event - Mutton Bustin' - which we DID NOT participate in (call me the party pooper!). Here are some fun pix of the day at the lake.
Smather on the sunblock and it is a great time had by all!

They all LOVED the two man raft. Of course maybe it was because when you were on it you didn't have to be in the cold water! :)

How adorable is Joni in her little tiny swimming suit!
She had too much of a fun day!

Funny thing, I forgot a stroller for Joni and so I asked Laila before we went to the stake activity, if by some slim chance she might have a stroller and this is what we found available at her house:

You will notice the size of the stroller compared to Tia. It is her DOLLY stroller! How comfy and perfect does she fit in this! LOL!!! She totally looks like she is living it up as a little princess! Tia loved pushing her around in it and needless to say, we DEFINITELY got some funny looks!

A great big THANKS to all our pioneer ancestors for giving us a great reason to get together and celebrate! Hopefully we can make you proud and make all of your sacrifices to come west worth it and carry on a great legacy!

Monday, July 27, 2009

A little of this and a little of that

On July 7, we had the opportunity to go to Boise for State Horse Judging. We went the night before and took the kids swimming at the hotel. Joni even got to dangle her feet in the hot tub with the help of Daddy! As a typical hotel swimming pool would have it, the big pool was COLD and the hot tub HOT, HOT, HOT!
No, Monte is not drowning. Just giving the camera a little drama.

Carson loves to just sit on the side and chill in between the cold pool and the hot tub.

Monte LOVES the water!

Logan doing his best to pay attention to the classes he is supposed to judge.
He also went to scout camp July 13 - 18. My intention was to get a picture of him with his big pack on ready to go, but alas, I forgot to do it and remembered when I was halfway home from dropping him off at the church. He had a success at scout camp! He came home with 12 merit badges! They said that this year, the boys set a record for number of merit badges they all brought home! Yeah LOGAN! I will post pix of the court of honor when he receives the merit badges.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fourth of July FUN

For July 4th, we had only Joni for most of the day. Logan, Carson and Monte were in Wyoming spending some quality grandparent/cousin time with Grandma and Grandpa, Shandyn, Trevon, Jaidyn and McKinlee! We met them in Franklin later in the afternoon for the Sharp family reunion. That night we went into town and saw the fireworks and concluded the evening by going out to a friends and setting off fireworks at their house. Throughout the evening, Carson acquired some firecrackers from a friend. The boys have been watching an old western with Tom Selleck, where they break a friend out of jail with dynamite. Well, as you can imagine, when you combine four little boys (yes, I do say four, that includes the "little" boy who is over 30) with firecrackers, an old shoebox and figurines from their farm toy collection, this is what you get:

1. Makeshift jail with play guys

2. The "Set up" Making sure the bars in the jailhouse door are there and ready for the "Dynamite" to be thrown in.

3. Everybody ready to run when she blows? (Even the dorky little kids with the knee high socks (dark church socks, nonetheless) on with shorts and tennis shoes? Keep in mind that Carson thought you had to take each one of the firecrackers off of the little string that they come on, hence making the fuse shorter than normal! And then . . .

4. After the explosion, Oh wait! It wasn't quite a BIG ENOUGH explosion, because as you will remember, there was only a single stick of "dynamite". SO now we put in multiple sticks of "dynamite". You will see only a small char mark from the first attempt!5

5. Inspecting the damage. Did it make a big enough hole to break out the captives? Ooops, I must have forgotten to get a shot of the final blow. Oh well, they had a ton of fun experimenting to find out what happens and a great lesson never to mess around with firecrackers without "adult supervision"! For those of you who are wondering if it worked, it did blow the box up a little. I don't think it was the effect they were hoping for, but it will work until the next brilliant idea!

Harvesting the Garden

The harvest begins! We got our first cutting of spinach on June 29! The peas came up wonderfully and we are now getting bowls full of peas each day! They are YUMMY! And they are what we have been living for the whole time we have been patiently waiting for the garden to grow. We have never seen zucchini plants so BIG! Absolutely GIGANTOR! I will post pics later.

Bad, Bad Blogger!

How did I fall to be such a HORRIBLE blogger?! I can't believe it has been over a MONTH since my last post. And my camera shows it. I had over 400 pictures on my card that have never been downloaded, printed or otherwise given any attention! So to ease my conscience I can at least post something. Then the other stuff to follow. Carson and Monte went to a primary activity which they painted hot dog sticks for Father's Day. Logan was working for a neighbor, so he stayed there. When I went to pick him up . . .

What thoughtful, wonderful Father's Day gift. They sure put their heart and soul into a job well done!

. . . this is what I found! Was he really working? Or just playing slip and slide all day? :)

OF COURSE he was working! That is his story and he is sticking to it!